Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week Four-
In my last week of observations, its remarkable what has changed in my micro aquarium in just five weeks. The plant life in my ecosystem has dramartically changed. Where at the start of observations there was only plant life concentrated in a small area, now the plant life is all around the aquarium. There has been a significant amount of colonial algea spreading throughout, mostly filamentous. I have seen a lot of Volvox, as well as seeing a stentor. The life in my aquarium is also much more diverse. I saw a number of amoebas this week, varying in size. They were mostly around the open part of the aquarium. There were also a great deal Euglenas and Euplotes. I also saw vorticella, mostly around the plants. There was also a significant amount of diatoms in my microaquarium, both living and dead.