Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week Three-
This week in my microaquarium, I saw a few changes in my little ecosystem. There was still a great deal of growth in my green algea, as nearly all the area surrounding the original part of green algea had seen a signifcant growth in the plant. There was also some growth in the duckweed too, as it has appeared to grow denser. The organisms living in my microaquarium are pretty much the same as the week before. There were a few more amoebas that i viwed this week, as opposed to last week when I only saw one. The greatest change this week was in the amount of diatoms I viewed this week. Where as last week I only saw small numbers of the organisms, this week I saw a huge amount of this group. They were some in both the middle and top of the container, but the vast majority appeared at the bootom of the microaquarium.

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